Welcome to Part 2 of the Sleep Hygiene series.
Last time we learnt that quality sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing, and when you don’t get enough, your concentration and ability to perform everyday tasks suffers.
This article will look at sleep habits you can adopt to improve the quantity and quality of your sleep and promote good health and wellbeing.
1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule. Aim for consistency of the time when you go to bed and get up, even during the weekend.
2. Avoid napping in the late afternoon. While it might feel necessary, ultimately, it can disrupt normal sleep patterns.
3. Create a bedtime routine. A shower or a book before bedtime can set the scene for sleep.
4. Avoid phones, tablets, and TV immediately before bed. The light from digital sources can damage your sleep and overstimulate your brain.
5. Find the right temperature. Your bedroom should be neither too hot nor too cold, and where possible, quiet.
6. Lower the light. Reduce the lighting as you prepare for bed.
7. Avoid big meals late in the evening. Where possible, eat early in the evening.
8. Time your caffeine. Caffeine can make it more challenging to get to sleep and stay asleep.
A regular good night’s sleep will not only make you feel and perform better, but it could also help you live longer. Research has provedthat long-term low-quality sleep hugely damages our mental and physical wellbeing.
Begin today, and you will be on the road to good sleep habits and a healthier life.